Do you control your destiny?

If you believe that you do, then you may have an Internal Locus of Control (LOC). High achieving athletes and professionals are likely to have a strong Internal LOC, and it has been associated with numerous psychological strengths.  The good news is that you can learn how to identify your own LOC associated strengths, and use this information to become a better version of yourself.

LOC refers to the extent to which you believe that your self and your life are controlled by you (Internal) or factors outside of you (External), such as chance, fate, circumstance, or a higher power. There is strong agreement that this distinction lies on a continuum so that the stronger your Internal LOC, the weaker your External LOC, and vice versa.

Internal LOC <—————————————> External LOC

Research suggests that people with a strong Internal LOC are more likely to take responsibility and initiative, to be goal directed, and to bounce back from setbacks and failures. They have also been found to have better mental health and more fulfilling relationships than people with a strong External LOC. However, there are also some potential drawbacks to having a strong Internal LOC, and potential benefits associated with an External LOC.

Learning about your own LOC beliefs and behaviors presents an opportunity for you to be more intentional about maximizing the benefits and minimizing the drawbacks. [I think I just outed my own Internal LOC.] To help you in your quest to be a better version of yourself, I have listed common benefits and drawbacks associated with both Internal and External LOC. Don’t get discouraged if you identify with some of the drawbacks — gaining information about yourself is necessary in order to grow. Oftentimes, small adjustments in the way that you think, perceive, and behave result in great changes. Make the most of the benefits that you already relate with, and remember that you have the ability to create the self who you want to be. Build on your strengths, because it is your strengths that will move you forward.

External LOC – Benefits
  • Willing to accept events as out of your control.
  • Protective factor in coping with loss.
  • Less likely to be self-critical.
  • Will seek help and support from others when needed.
  • May be easier to let go of failures when attributed to factors beyond control.
  • Motivated by a team environment.
External LOC – Drawbacks
  • May not take responsibility, may blame circumstances and others for mistakes.
  • Difficulty being self-motivated.
  • Dependent on others for direction and validation.
  • May develop learned helplessness.
  • Experience difficulty taking action after setbacks and failures.
  • Attribute successes to chance or circumstance (e.g., the test was easy).
Internal LOC – Benefits
  • Likely to take initiative to make things happen.
  • Self-motivated and goal-directed.
  • Believe that your hard work leads to positive outcomes.
  • Willing to accept responsibility for mistakes and take steps to improve.
  • Attribute successes to hard work and personal characteristics.
  • Recover quickly from setbacks due to belief in responsibility to pick yourself up.
Internal LOC – Drawbacks
  • Overdeveloped sense of responsibility.
  • May tend to be self-critical, particularly after perceived failures.
  • Experience discomfort when not in control.
  • May assert control over others and/or be perceived by others as controlling.
  • Difficulty asking for help, believe you are supposed to solve your own problems.
  • Tend to blame yourself, even for events outside of your control.

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